Monday, October 3, 2011

Won as towns with Fire

Love's Labor's Lost Act I

So study evermore is overshot.
While it doth study to have what it would,
It doth forget to do the ting it should.
And when it hath the thing it hunteth most,
'Tis won as towns with fire--so won, so lost.

Here Shakespeare is using a powerful technique called personification he is giving the abstract idea of studying a body to go hunting and an army to burn and over take a town. This technique gives amplifies the meaning and power of Berowne's argument, that the King and his followers are overdoing their oath to study for three years. It also allows for a timeless application of the truth: to much of a good thing.

For example:
Study can miss it's target? Study is used to reach some aim, some goal, wither it be to speak fluently, to obtain a job, to gain understanding, or to win a girl. Eventually study will obtain it's goal like a hunter it's prey, but if the goal was to have the prey alive, study should have been a trapper. Studies goal, like an army, could be to over take a beautiful city, but in the anxiety and fervor of battle the army burns the town to win it. O it's won, but it's ash!

I, like an army like a tyrant, have pillaged through school. I have ran over every friend, roommate, extra curricular activity, and career fair in the name of study! If it wasn't directly related to school it was burned! To this day some of my friends will say, "Its good to hand out with you before to get buried in your work!" How many times i have set the town ablaze only to realize the goal was reached but with flame. To walk the streets of a dream only to have them smell and look of ash is no dream. Life is about balance and dreams. When we set the dream as the only goal we can loose perspective of what it is we really want, what is really needed.

Take time to smell the roses! Build bridges and then never burn them. Enjoy life on the way to the dream and if needs be change it! What wilt thou have pay the price and take it! BUT NOTE THE PRICE!


  1. Thanks for the insight! It really has me thinking about what things I might have burned in order to reach a goal.

  2. You were saying in class that we did the same type of thing in our posts, took something out of context and ran with it, but I feel like your was so much more insightful. mine was just a random relation to a passion of mine, but yours was deep. You real worked that personification and got a lot out of it. Nicely done.
